Buses are a good mode of transportation in Hyderabad. APSRTC currently has more than 4000 buses running within the city. You can use these services anywhere in Hyderabad, but you need to check on the timings and schedules. There are various bus services such as the ordinary service, Metro Express and Veera. The latter two are semi luxury and luxury buses in Hyderabad that have fewer halts between any two points. These services are faster than the ordinary bus service which stops at all designated stops.
Boarding the Bus - As you see the bus approaching the bus stop, stand up so that it is clear to the driver that you want to board the bus. To hop on to the right bus, look at the destination sign which is above the front wind shield, to check the route number and destination. If it is not clear, then do not hesitate to ask either the conductor or the bus driver. Generally, the entry and exit for ladies is through the front door and men get in through the rear door. Front seats are reserved for women and men can occupy the rear seats.
It is a good idea to keep the exact change ready to buy the ticket. The ticket conductor will issue a ticket specific to your destination and the cost of the ticket will depend on the distance. Keep the ticket carefully till you disembark from the bus.
Get Off at Your Stop - During your ride be alert so that you do not miss your stop. If you are in doubt, it is best to ask the conductor to tell you when your destination is approaching.
By Auto Rickshaw (Auto)